Play 2.0

It’s no secret that I’ve long been a fan of Play, the watch later app from Marcos Tanaka. Today, Marcos released version 2.0 of the app with two major new features and a fresh payment model.

First up is Channels, a new section of the app where you can follow YouTube channels and create a feed of new videos. As videos are posted, they’ll appear in your Inbox where you can choose to either save them to watch later or remove them from the list.

This has instantly become my favorite way to keep tabs on my favorite channels without needing to use the YouTube app or add them to my RSS reader. It’s really quick and easy to find the videos I want to watch, save them, and clear out the rest.

The second tentpole feature of Play 2.0 is enhanced library organization with folders. Before, you could categorize your videos with tags and smart searches. Those options remain, but they can now be further grouped into folders.

For those who watch a lot of YouTube videos and want fine-grained control over how their library is broken down, these folders are going to be amazing. I currently only use three broad tags for videos: tech, TV, and music. But I could see them becoming folders containing more detailed tags in the future.

These are two great additions to Play, and they arrive alongside a fresh business model. The app still costs $3 upfront and includes all of the video-saving features you’ve come to expect from Play. To unlock channel-following and folders, you can sign up for Play Premium, a new subscription that supports the development of advanced features extending the app’s capabilities. It costs $3/month, $20/year, or $100 for a lifetime subscription.

I love this new setup. It keeps the app’s core functionality accessible at a ridiculously low price while giving users the option to support its development on an ongoing basis in exchange for some really nice additions. And it sets Play up for a bright, sustainable future ahead.

I’m thrilled with the changes Marcos has brought with Play 2.0. They’ve already made it much easier to keep up with my favorite creators and established the app as an even more essential part of my daily media habits.

If you haven’t tried Play yet, now’s the perfect time. It’s a steal at its base price, and if you decide you want even more out of it, Play Premium is always there to take things to the next level. It’s available on the App Store for iPhone, iPad, Mac, and Apple TV.