Use What Works For You

The iPad is a never-ending source of debate within the Apple community. Is it an actual computer? Can you get real work done on it? Is it the future? We can’t ever seem to decide.

In the wake of Stage Manager’s controversial rollout and a low-key update to the iPad Pro last fall, there’s been a new wave of opinions on the iPad’s place in Apple’s lineup and the lives of its users. Some of those who’ve long been the iPad’s biggest apologists are now looking elsewhere to meet their computing needs. Others are simply souring on the platform’s potential to ever be more than it currently is. The overall vibe on the iPad right now is pretty negative.

I found this all discouraging at first. As someone who’s used the iPad as their main computer for several years, I’m pretty attached to it. I have a lot of love for the platform because of all that it’s enabled me to do. So to see many people I respect feeling down on the iPad was jarring to me.

This led me to wonder if I had become stuck in my ways. I thought, “Am I in the wrong for continuing to use this device that I love so dearly? Am I letting my positive feelings toward the iPad cloud my judgment? Should I considering moving away from it, too?”

I’d be lying if I said I don’t get a bit of a thrill from being on the cutting edge. That’s what being an iPad user has felt like for a long time. But now, the general consensus is that the iPad is the old way. It’s dying. It’s time to move on.

But the more I considered this idea, the more sure I became that that isn’t the right approach for me. The reason I use the iPad is that it works for me. The hardware, the operating system, the input mechanisms, the apps—they all come together to enable me to do the things I love to do. There’s no reason to give up on that just because others might.

The truth is that I could switch away from the iPad right now. I could put it in a drawer, walk away, and never pick it up again. I’ve got a work-commissioned MacBook Pro and and iMac at home that would be more than capable of doing what I need them to do. A lot of my favorite apps even run on the Mac, and I’m sure I could find decent substitutes for the ones that don’t.

So why am I still so attracted to the iPad? There are a lot of reasons. iPadOS makes more sense to me than macOS does. I can use it more naturally and efficiently because I just connect with it. Being able to use touch and the Apple Pencil as input methods in addition to a trackpad and keyboard means I have the ultimate flexibility. And there’s still nothing quite like holding my computer tablet-style and being able to directly touch what I’m working on with my hands.

At the end of the day, the iPad is what works for me. Maybe it doesn’t work for everyone, and that’s okay. We each have to find and use whatever system works best for us. I can’t fault someone for finding a better fit for them, just like I hope no one will fault me for my choice.

Other people finding use elsewhere doesn’t diminish the value of my setup or what I’m able to do with it. That’s the beauty of technology: It’s personal, and everyone can use it to create the solutions they need. So as much as I understand why many are turning away from the iPad, I’m choosing to lean into it even more. And I can be confident in that decision knowing it’s the best one for me.

Dark Mode

It’s not often that I add a new feature to the website at this point, but last night, I implemented something that’s long overdue: dark mode! Now, the appearance of the blog will change based on your device’s setting. Whether you prefer light mode, dark mode, or (like me) switching between the two, you’ll get a matching look here.

I’m really excited about this change. Ever since I started using the Noir Safari extension to force my site into dark mode at night, I’ve loved the way it looks and wanted to make it available to everyone. But since Squarespace doesn’t support offering sites in dark mode, I didn’t think it was possible. Then I stumbled upon this plugin from Code + Tonic, and I knew I had to give it a try. After a bit of tinkering, I think the result is pretty great.

I invite you to switch your device to dark mode and give the new theme a try. And of course, if you have any thoughts on the look, I’d love to hear them.

Honoring Developer Alex Hay

I was saddened to hear that Alex Hay, developer of apps like Toolbox Pro and Logger, passed away recently. His work was not only a great resource for the Shortcuts community, but an inspiration to everyone who seeks to make their devices work for them. He was also a generous and kind person in general, always willing to help others with his deep knowledge.

The team at MacStories have decided, with the blessing of Alex’s family, to dedicated the upcoming Automation April event to his memory. In his touching article remembering Alex, John Voorhees shared beautiful words about his impact and legacy. This sentence in particular struck a chord with me:

[Developers] are the artists of our time, and their imagination, creativity, and passion are what inspire us.

I couldn’t say it any better. Independent app development is a difficult profession, but it makes life better for so many people in myriad ways. I’m so thankful for people who choose to pursue it.

Alex Hay was one of the developers who had an impact on my life through his work, and he will be missed. My thoughts are with his family and friends during this difficult time. Rest in peace, Alex.

Not Everything Is a To-Do List

I was struck today by a thread from Floh Gro on Mastodon that starts like this:

Have you ever looked at your queue of podcasts 🎧, watchlist 📺, and read later queue 📚 and felt overwhelmed? It can be stressful to see a long list of things you still need to get done. What if we shift our perspective and see these lists as things to enjoy, rather than things to do?

Maybe this isn’t a problem many people have, but I tend to turn everything in my life into a to-do list. Not just my actual tasks for work, but podcasts I want to listen to, people I need to reach out to, even taking care of my body. (My habit tracker Awesome Habits is basically a to-do list for self-care.)

I benefit from this tendency in a lot of ways. It keeps me productive, focused, and mostly on top of things. It’s how I cope with the world, and it saves me from a lot of stress. But there are some instances when it’s also inappropriate.

When it comes to my downtime, I need to learn to actually relax. It’s okay if my podcast queue builds up a little bit. Or if it takes me a while to get around to reading that article I saved for later. These are things I’m meant to savor, not consume as quickly as possible so that I can check them off and move on to the next one.

Some things aren’t supposed to be checklists. That’s something I needed to hear today. Maybe someone else needs to hear it, too. Now if you’ll excuse me, I’ve got a growing Up Next queue in my TV app to work through—I mean, enjoy.


With our family growing, we decided it was time for a bigger family car. Those grins tell you exactly how we feel about it. Now I’ve just got to figure out how to install a carseat.

Side note: I’m still coming to terms with saying goodbye to the Dolphin, my trusty Sonata that’s gotten me around for the past 15 years and 265,000 miles. But I wasn’t going to put a baby in that thing. I can take comfort in knowing that it’s going to a family member.

Here’s to smooth roads ahead.