Six Months

My son turns six months old today, his half-birthday. How has it already been this long? Where has the time gone? When people told me it would go by too quickly, I knew it was true. I just couldn’t imagine how true it would be.

Seeing Noah grow, change, and learn these past six months has been the greatest pleasure. Nothing brings me more joy than knowing that he’s happy and thriving. He is such a blessing to me and to everyone he meets.

These first six months with my son have been the best of my life. Here’s to many more.


Yours truly, writing at MacStories:

Today is an exciting day for Magic Rays of Light. We couldn’t be happier that our show is joining the MacStories family of podcasts. Before the first episode of this new era releases on Wednesday, we thought we’d take a moment to introduce ourselves and the show to you.

I am thrilled to be joining the MacStories team! It’s a site and a team that I’ve revered for years, so it’s an honor to come aboard. Sigmund and I will continue producing the podcast we love to make, now under the MacStories banner.

There are a lot more details up on MacStories now, including our new release schedule and the announcement that Federico and John are making a guest appearance on the show this week. We got to join in on the latest episode of AppStories as well, which still feels unreal.

It’s a great day and the start of an exciting new phase for Magic Rays of Light. My sincere thanks to everyone who’s supported the show thus far by listening, sharing, and offering feedback. It means the world. I’m so grateful for our wonderful listeners, and I’m hoping I’ll get to meet some newcomers to the show this week.

Our next episode comes out this Wednesday, and there’s plenty more to come after that, so stay tuned! This is going to be fun.

Noah Glen

Sunday, August 13, at 3:16 pm, Noah Glen Dundee was born! Katherine and I are elated to welcome our son into the world. She and baby are both doing great.

The past few days have been wonderful: meeting our son, getting to take care of him, introducing him to our loving and supportive family. We’re home now, learning together what this new life is going to look like for all of us. It’s already so rich; I am truly blessed.

Thank you to everyone for the well wishes, congratulations, and inquiries on how Katherine and the baby are doing! It means a lot to know so many people are rooting for little Noah.


Pride is not the word I’m looking for
There’s so much more inside me now


The first year of my 30s is complete! It was a great one, but I have a feeling 31 is going to be even better. This has been a year of preparation: for the future, for the next phase is in the life of our family, for parenthood. And all of that preparation is soon going to pay off.

I can’t wait to see what the next year brings. My life is certainly a blessed one, and I’m so thankful to every one of you for being a part of it.