Wallflower Creative

I tend to be most comfortable working behind-the-scenes. At my job, I spend the majority of my time in the sound booth, at the back of the room, doing my best to stay invisible because that means I’m doing what I’m supposed to do. It’s the same way with my creative work: the parts of the process I enjoy most are often the ones most people will never notice.

I find it fulfilling – and, frankly, just more my style – to stay in the background and let other people be front and center. I don’t necessarily need my name on everything.

Of course, there are times when I do need to be center stage, regardless of my comfort level. Making cool things can’t always be done from the shadows. And at different times, the balance between being behind-the-scenes and out in front shifts depending on what’s needed of me.

All of that to say, I know it’s been quiet here for a bit. I’ve been more focused on the behind-the-scenes work than the stuff where I’m at the forefront. But I’m loving what I’m doing and proud of it, too.

The balance will inevitably shift back; it’s the way it goes. I have plans for things I want to write about, so hopefully it won’t be quite so quiet here before long. Regardless, I’m happy with the things I’m making, and I so appreciate everyone who takes the time to check them out.

Thank you for reading. Talk soon!