The Office

I tried to create a page called “Things Devon Likes” to show the world all the wonderful/shameful things that give me joy. But there were just too many things to fit on one page, and the final product didn’t look appealing. So I’m going to start posting about them on here from time to time so all you lovely people can learn more about the things that make me smile. My first entry will be about The Office because it comes on tonight, and I’m very excited about it.

If you haven’t seen The Office yet, you probably don’t have a TV. But in case you haven’t seen it, I’ll fill you in. The Office is a hilarious mockumentary sitcom about the daily lives of the employees at the Dunder Mifflin Paper Company office in Scranton, PA. The premise may not sound that interesting, but it has proven to be a huge success. The show is in its eighth season, and there are even rumors of a spin-off to premiere next year. It really is a great show.

What I love most about The Office is its dry humor. Like I said before, the setting and background are pretty bland. Even the characters’ clothes are quite generic for office workers. But it’s their personalities that make the show work. Every character is very well-developed, and they each have their own little quirks. The show is also very appealing because it’s so relatable. Having a crazy boss, not being able to work the copier, and forgetting your computer password are all experiences that viewers can relate to and laugh at. The ridiculous characters, the relatable setting, and the witty humor come together to form a show that proves that desk jobs don’t have to be boring. They can be the most hilarious thing on TV.

The Office airs on NBC Thursday nights and is also available on Hulu. Check it out!