Next Portable Console and Comfort Zone

Yesterday, we announced two new podcasts joining the MacStories family. As Federico put it:

I’m incredibly excited to introduce two brand new shows joining the MacStories family of podcasts today: Next Portable Console (or NPC), hosted by me, Brendon Bigley, and John Voorhees, and Comfort Zone, hosted by Niléane Dorffer, Chris Lawley, and Matt Birchler. You can find both shows, along with links to subscribe, on MacStories’ Podcasts hub.

NPC covers the ever-growing world of portable gaming in all its many facets, and Comfort Zone pushes its hosts – and listeners, should they choose to participate – to try new things in their tech setups each week. Both shows sound very entertaining, and I can’t wait to listen in.

As excited as I am for these shows, though, I’m even more excited to welcome my new colleagues into the fold. I have so much respect for the work that Brendon, Chris, and Matt each do, and it’s so cool to now be working on the same team as them.

You can read the full announcement post on MacStories for all the details. The first episode of NPC is out now, with new episodes coming every other Tuesday. Comfort Zone starts its weekly release schedule this Thursday, but you can get a taste of the show by checking out its trailer right now.

Side note: With these two new shows in the mix, there’s now a new episode of a MacStories podcast out every weekday. I mean, just look at this lineup.

  • Monday: AppStories
  • Tuesday: Ruminate / NPC (alternating)
  • Wednesday: Magic Rays of Light (hosted by yours truly)
  • Thursday: Comfort Zone
  • Friday: MacStories Unwind