Thanksgiving Prayer

Over the past week, I’ve been thinking about what I wanted to post for Thanksgiving. I decided against a 1,000-word exposition on thankfulness (maybe next year) or a really long list of things I’m thankful for. Instead, I chose to write a Thanksgiving prayer to God and share it with you in hopes that maybe you can relate to it or maybe something in it may hit home with you. So here’s my Thanksgiving prayer.

Dear God,

I’d like to start off simply by saying thank You. Not necessarily for any particular thing that You’ve done for me or given to me, but just for who You are. You are amazing. All-powerful. Eternal. All-knowing. Majestic. Ever-present. And You are endless love. God, You are awesome, and I praise You simply for being You.

I also thank You for all that You’ve done for me. Most of all, for taking the form of a man and dying on the cross for me so that I can know You and become more like You. I thank You for the hope You’ve given me in eternal life and in the possibility of making this world a better place. I thank You for being with me at all times and loving me even when I’m at my worst.

I thank You for the calling that You’ve placed on my life. I can’t think of any greater honor than to dedicate my life to Your work and to spreading Your love to everyone I meet. I pray that You would help me to live out this calling each and every day and never to take it for granted, but to take it as seriously as I know You do.

I thank You for my family. We’re not perfect, but no family is. I know You’ve put us all together for a reason, and I pray that You would help us to fulfill the purpose that You had in putting us together. I thank You for precious Aiden and the joy that he brings to our lives. I thank You that You have a perfect will for his life, and I pray that he would grow to love You and follow the path You have for him.

I’m also thankful for Cavanaugh Church. You have blessed me with so many awesome friends and mentors through Cavanaugh. I thank You for the many opportunities You’ve given me to grow and minister to others through Cavanaugh Church. I pray that You would continue to be with us. Help us to grow and have a great impact on our community and our world.

Finally, I am thankful for my friends who support me and challenge me to grow. You have given me such a wonderful network of people to connect and grow with, and I know I wouldn’t be where I am without them.

Father, right now, I’d like to ask You to remember all those who are hurting during this holiday. I know several families who have lost loved ones this past year and are having to go through their first holiday season without them. I pray that You would make Your presence very much known to these families right now. Let them know that You are with them and that You care for them and that they are not alone. Let them feel the power of this prayer and others like it rising up to You, God, and give them the peace that only You can give as they try to make the best of this time of year.

I also pray for those around the world who have do not have enough this time of year. I know people are cold and starving while many of us gorge ourselves on our Thanksgiving meals in our comfortable homes. I pray that You would provide for those who don’t have enough and use us to meet their needs and show them Your love during this season and throughout the year. I pray that You would give us a burden to care for Your children who are struggling to meet their basic needs, because I know it breaks Your heart, too.

I thank You again for all that You are and all that You do. Please be with me today. Help me to be and do exactly what You’ve called me to be and do this day. And I pray that You would give me a heart of thankfulness not just today but every day. You are the source of all good things. You are the only one worthy of my praise.

I love You, and I pray all this in Jesus’ name. Amen.