No More “Shoulds” In My Workflows

John Voorhees in MacStories Weekly:

Like a lot of our readers, I love digging into an app and trying every feature. However, I also believe in willfully underutilizing apps. As long as the cost of doing so isn’t too high, I’m perfectly content using one or two big features of an app and never touching anything else.

This is something I struggle with often. I find an app I’m interested in, but then I get intimidated if I can’t make us of every feature. Not fully understanding a piece of software gives me imposter syndrome. But as John points out, it’s okay to only utilize certain features of an app and leave the rest alone.

Going forward, I’m going to try to adopt his “complex apps, sparingly used” mantra. It seems like a wise approach.

It’s time to eliminate the “shoulds” from my workflows and embrace what works best for me.