March 2014

March 2014 image

Hello, friends! I hope you’re having a great April Fools’ Day. Can you believe it’s already been 2014 for three months? That just seems crazy to me. But, since it’s a new month, it’s time for a life update. Here’s what’s been going on in my life in March.

I was supposed to start March by preaching at two different churches in one day, but the weather was bad, so both churches had to cancel. I was pretty disappointed, but these things happen. I’m very thankful for all the ministry opportunities I’ve been given lately, and I love serving any way that I can.

My fellow Religious Studies seniors and I went to Fort Worth earlier this month for the Southwestern Conference on Religious Studies (also known as SWCRS). We had a good time hanging out and listening to people present their papers. I even got to see my friends Walt present his senior thesis, which was really cool. Watching other people present inspired me to finish my thesis and gave me some preparation for my presentation in front of my peers and professors in May.

Speaking of my thesis, I finished it! Or the first draft, at least. A couple of weeks ago, I made that fateful click and sent my thesis off to be graded. It was a proud moment, but it also made me nervous. Handing something over for revision that you’ve been working on for so long can be very scary. But I feel good about the work I’ve done, and I was happy to have a break from writing.

Last week was Spring Break, and I made the most of it. I went to Cabot to visit with my friend Ross. He and I had fun catching up and watching Mr. Peabody and Sherman. On Sunday, I preached morning and night at Ozark Free Will Baptist Church. The people were really hospitable, and I think it all went pretty well. Of course, I also spent a lot of time with Aiden over the break, and I even got to go to Springdale to visit Clayton, Shelby, and their precious son Collin (pictured above). It was a much-needed break full of quality time with friends and family, plenty of sleep, and lots of TV.

Now, I’m back at school and getting back to work. I’ve got to revise my thesis and finish my other two classes, but graduation is right around the corner. I’m going to try to fully enjoy my last couple of months as an undergrad. March has been a great month, and April is already shaping up to be even better. Thank you guys for keeping up with my life and for joining me on this journey. I hope everything is going well, and I would love to hear from you. Have a great April! I’ll see you on Saturday when I review Captain America: The Winter Soldier.