June 2014

June 2014 image

Well, another month has come and gone. That just blows my mind. I can’t believe June is already over! Between church camp, the mission trip, and working at the church, it’s all gone by so fast! But here we are on July 1, so it’s time for another life update blog post. Here’s what I’ve been up to in June.

For me, June was a month of traveling. I was gone three weeks this month, literally starting on June 1. That was the first day of teen camp at Camp Beaverfork. I stayed with the Cavanaugh teens and the praise band from Maple. We had a good time. I ran computer for the worship services and classes, so I managed to avoid spending too much time in the sun. But it was fun to hang out with the guys and to worship God with a good group of teens, even if the numbers were a little low because a lot of schools were still in session.

Teen camp ended on Thursday afternoon, so while I was in the area, I went to Cabot to visit with my friend Ross. We went to lunch and then saw The Amazing Spider-Man 2 (my third time to see it, still so good). It was nice to catch up with him for a bit. Then I went home, worked Friday, and relaxed Saturday. But on Sunday, it was time to hit the road again.

I wasn’t able to go to junior high week of camp because that was the week my church went on our mission trip to Hillsdale College in Moore, OK. We painted the dorms, replaced the furniture in their lobby, and even renovated the outside of one of the buildings. It was a lot of hard work, but it was rewarding, and everyone loved being able to spend time with our friends from the Alabama children’s home who came to work with us. After we finished working, we got to spend a day in Oklahoma City taking the kids back-to-school shopping. I was privileged to get to go shopping with my friend Seth, and we found him some awesome new clothes. It was a really fun trip.

When we got home from the mission trip on Friday, I was exhausted. I did my best to recuperate during my day and a half at home. On Sunday morning, I led children’s services at Ozark Free Will Baptist Church, and then I had Father’s Day lunch with my family. After that, it was time for my last road trip of the month.

I headed back to Camp Beaverfork for two back-to-back sessions of kids camp. During the first session, I stayed with the Cavanaugh group, and the second session, I counseled a couple of boys from Ozark who didn’t have an adult with them. I had fun hanging out with the kids and running computer and sound during services and classes. Who doesn’t love a little bit of children’s worship from time to time? But by the time Saturday rolled around, I was ready to come home.

So now my life is temporarily back to normal, if you can call it that. I’m back at home and working at the church every day. There’s some really exciting stuff going on at Cavanaugh Church right now, and I’m putting my all into it, so I guess you could say I’m the good kind of tired. But I’m loving every second of it, and I’m trying to learn and do as much as I can during my limited time here.

I’m starting to realize just how close my big move to Waco is. I’m applying for jobs in the area, and I looked at my calendar recently and accidentally discovered the first big church event that I’m going to have to miss because I’ll be away. It was a sad moment, but it’s also very exciting. I can’t wait to study God’s word and His work full-time, and I know He’s leading me to Waco for a purpose.

My running is going really well. I’ve been doing it for six weeks now, and I couldn’t be happier with the results. I’m feeling good, eating better, and just really satisfied with the way things are going. The next step is to start meditating, something I’ve been wanting to do for a while but never got around to. I started it yesterday, so I’ll let you know in my July update how it goes.

To those of you who actually read down this far, thank you for keeping up with my life! I’ve got a lot going on, and I love sharing it with each of you. I’d love to hear what you’re up to, so contact me, and we’ll talk. Have a great July, friends, and I’ll see you later!