Dark Mode

It’s not often that I add a new feature to the website at this point, but last night, I implemented something that’s long overdue: dark mode! Now, the appearance of the blog will change based on your device’s setting. Whether you prefer light mode, dark mode, or (like me) switching between the two, you’ll get a matching look here.

I’m really excited about this change. Ever since I started using the Noir Safari extension to force my site into dark mode at night, I’ve loved the way it looks and wanted to make it available to everyone. But since Squarespace doesn’t support offering sites in dark mode, I didn’t think it was possible. Then I stumbled upon this plugin from Code + Tonic, and I knew I had to give it a try. After a bit of tinkering, I think the result is pretty great.

I invite you to switch your device to dark mode and give the new theme a try. And of course, if you have any thoughts on the look, I’d love to hear them.